Our main goal for the day was to distribute gravel around a playground for preschool-aged children. The gravel had been delivered in three major piles on the playground and needed to be spread out. The fifteen of us that were there were given shovels, rakes, gloves, bottled water, sunscreen and a wheelbarrow and we went to work moving the 21 cubic yards of gravel. For those of you who are interested, that equates to about 20 tons of rock. We were done before lunch, which was fantastic, and since we finished so quickly, they let us pull weeds on the grounds for the remainder of our time there that afternoon.

With all that work today, we felt we earned a few hours at the Wheat Ridge Recreational Facility and the hot tub and pool never felt better. (Just having a shower would have been reward enough, but nobody was complaining.) After all of that and the evening devotional, we wearily turned in for some much-needed rest in preparation for another day of mission work tomorrow.
As always, we appreciate your continued prayers and support!