Tuesday, August 13, 2013

IHN, Monday August 12, 2013

Sunday overnight hosts, Elaine and Laura, got everyone up for an early start with one's work beginning at 7 and Johnathan to school no later than 7:25.  Erik gave Steve a personal "van lesson" and he was off with six passengers to take various and sundry places.

During Sunday night Elizabeth was not feeling well, but Monday she was better and went to work at her regular time in the afternoon afternoon.

Afternoon van driver Bill made a special drop off at 5:30 and picked her up at 6:00.  One dad was late from his out of town job to get his son from day care.  Susan was both the on-site coordinator and one of the evening hosts, taking Steve's place so he could go to the Braves/Phillies game...and he wasn't rooting for the Braves.  You're in Georgia Steve--go Braves.  Terry N. joined Susan as the Evening Host and they had a busy night and did a great job

This was a night of substitutes, Terry M filled in for Leita (& of course no one can out-cook Leita).  Terry was amazing, he told us that not only did he make the pizza, but flipped the dough in the air and spun it around.  He conceded that the chickens laid the eggs, which were deviled.  There was dessert and all enjoyed the meal with appreciation.

Denise made a late van pickup at 7:45.  IHN volunteers are nothing if not flexible.

One of our overnight hosts was very sick Monday so Wanda got in touch with a friend and Barb joined her for the night--thanks to both of you.  They got the guests up early and ready to leave right on time.

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