Wednesday, January 8, 2014

IHN, Tuesday January 7, 2014

Mary and Laura got up on this frigid morning, and were thankful the church had heat!  They thought they were going to spend the day in the church--locked in!  In case that happens to you...if you are trying to get out the back door and can't,  look to your left on the wall and push the small green (I think) square box that says "Push to Exit".  This is a relatively new security system that is operative anytime the Weekday School is in session.  Sorry we didn't give you a heads up Mary--And we are glad your car started - after advice from Bob via phone.  That's what happens when he stays home to watch the football game.

Erik was the last minute van driver, always count on him in a pinch!  The Clarke County Schools were closed but Jill had to go to work.  The boys spent the day at the Day Center (studying I am sure)  They both play musical instruments and have lots of interests and talents, so if it wasn't school books I'm sure they put the time to good use.

Barb came to the church this morning and picked up the dirty  sheets and towels and took them home to wash.

Denise was the Tuesday On-Site/On-Call Coordinator today, along with other roles!

Kitty picked up Jill from work this afternoon, so she didn't have to wait for the bus in the cold, cold weather.  When everyone got to the church Denise and Sydney were there and had dinner almost ready.  Erika and Joe had prepared a delicious lasagna which was perfect for the weather.  Not only was it enjoyed tonight, but Jill put some into freezer bags and will have them all ready to start life in her new apartment, which should be by early next week.

Sydney had a big salad, which was a big hit along with warm french bread, and for dessert there were cookies and apple slices with a brickle dip.  Yum!!

Carol and Winston, the evening hosts enjoyed the dinner too as well as catching up with Jill.

Denise had a bonus of dinner because she stayed and took Jill for a 6 pm doctor's appointment and got back before too much time passed.  Jill got a good report!  Thanks to everyone for making that tight schedule work.

Denise went home but wasn't finished...see the message she sent:

As the onsite coordinator, your heart skips a beat when the phone rings and you see First Presbyterian on the caller ID. Fortunately, the only problem was that I had left with the door keys to the church in my pocket!

As I drove back to the church, I wondered why evening host Carol had called my home phone rather than my cell. That mystery was solved when I got to the church and learned the door to the host room had accidentally closed--and locked! Although overnight hosts Laura and Elaine both have their own sets of keys because of their work with the church, when the door closed their keys were inside!

All was fine once I returned with keys in hand!

Denise--thanks for all you did!! Easy mistake to leave those keys in your pocket, as you suggested we will get one of those curly bracelet key rings.  Just so everyone knows, I (Kitty) also get a set of keys during our host week so if the set at the church gets gone, we don't have to call in Roger--as we had to do the first week.  We learn something each time!

Overnight hosts were Elaine and Laura--who had already spent the day  at their First Presbyterian jobs, and then returned for the night!  What wonderful employees they are...we are grateful.

Sweet dreams with visions of snowflakes dancing in your heads.

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