Sunday, June 5, 2005

2005 Youth Music Mission Tour to Colorado - 6/5/05

Today will be a short one, since most of it was spent traveling. We did manage to see a bit more snow on the Rocky Mountains on our drive back to Denver because of all the rain, so the return trip was a bit more spectacular. The flight was similarly uneventful and nothing happened that the average airline traveler wouldn't experience (except for the cats), so all in all it was a quiet day of traveling.

The morning, however, was filled with the frenzy of packing and cleaning up and was followed by our musical leadership of the service at Glenwood Springs Presbyterian Church. We learned a new anthem the day before and performed it and the rest of our choral selections for the service. The congregation was greatful for our music and called it "a shot in the arm" for their church experience. They do not have a standing choir and it is rare when they have musical leadership such as ours, so they were energized by our singing. They even provided us with lunch afterward before sending us on our way. Thank you Glenwood Springs Presbyterian Church!

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