Sunday, June 3, 2012

Haiti Mission Trip Day One -- We Made It!

Our travel to Haiti took an interesting turn.  Normally we travel from Atlanta to Port-au-Prince on a commercial airline and then pick up a local twin properaller plane from Port-au-Prince to Cap Haitian.  Just to make our lives more entertaining, the small airline made a new policy that you have to purchase tickets in advance which we did not do.  As it turns out, we had to drive from Port-au-Prince to Terrier Rouge.  Our 45 minute flight turned into a seven and a half hour drive through windy, bumpy, unpaved roads.  During our drive, unfortunately, three people got sick.  (Just for the record, none of the four guys had trouble, but half of the women did.  Draw your own conclusions from that....)

We began Sunday morning with a wonderful worship service led by Pere Bruno, who spoke recently at First Presbyterian Church of Athens.  Several youth recognized him from the worship service back home.  We spoke about Nicodemus and the transformation he experienced through his talks with Jesus.  We related that to our transformations of our experiences and perceptions of Haiti.

Later today, we hope to walk through Terrier Rouge and see some of the local village.  We are excited  about our time in this place and look forward to learning more about the Haitian culture.

Please pray for us as we continue our journey.  We hope to keep you updated on our travels and experiences.  Please feel free to comment below.

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