Thursday was a day of transition. I feel sure two families approached the day with mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety as they begin a new phase of life.
Sara and John got everyone up and going early Thursday morning. Steve was a van driver--his second host week to do this; he and his wife Patty are in the church new members class & we are so happy to have them! He took the three children to school and day care.
This was the last morning for two families, Bryant and his son will return to Ohio to be near family as he believes this is the best choice for them. We wish them well and will keep them in our prayers.
Seleetha and her son moved into their new place Thursday. Isaiah will finish the week at Bright Beginnings, then move to a new day center much closer to their home on Monday. We wish them well and pray for them as well.
Erik was the afternoon van driver and he picked up everyone and took Seleetha and Isaiah to their new home. It is a happy occasion to see a family succeed in setting goals and reaching them with the help of the IHNA staff and the hospitality of many congregations.
Erik was also the on-site/on-call coordinator and he welcomed Brita and Carol B. Nancy & Bob made another wonderful meal for our guests: green salad with chicken, rolls, and yummy peach/blackberry cobbler. All enjoyed the delicious, thoughtfully planned and prepared dinner.
Carol and Brita reported they had fun playing with 5 year old Johnathan and 3 year old Mary. Know the kids enjoyed it too!
The overnight hosts, Bob and Mary have years of experience and says the volunteer room seems like the Hilton after what they remember from the "early days of IHN at First Pres". We appreciate their years of service--and the ways they have made our host weeks better and better.
In one day we went from three families to one. God bless them all.
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