Tuesday, November 5, 2013

IHN, Sunday November 3, 2013

Our last IHN host week of 2013 is underway!

The truck arrived on the dot of 2:00 but most of the set up crew were a couple of minutes later.  We enlisted Cynthia who had come to launder the bedspreads, and we cleared the truck in nothing flat!  Carl had the good idea next time to use the ramp instead of the steps (he was the one that jockeyed everything up the steps this time!)  The driver said that was fine with him...now all we have to do is remember to direct him there.

Carl, Carla, Rick, Tom, Carol, Jim and Kitty--with Cynthia's help got the rooms swept, the Sunday school furniture moved out of three rooms and guest rooms set up.  We decided to leave most of the Weekday school things in the volunteer bedroom, thinking sleeping near the things  trumped moving them the next morning.

Cynthia was off to a commercial laundromat with all the blue bedspreads which go from church to church!!  She brought them back clean and folded and helped put them on the beds.

The paper covering the windows for privacy kept falling off--faulty tape??  Certainly it was NOT faulty tapers!  Carl & Tom discussed using foam board and velcro next time, that could be used over and over, and would be very easy to install and take down--saving both money and effort.  They measured and Carl will discuss with Roger.

Nine beds were made up--and the stuffed animals were put on the two year olds beds.  Cute.
Carol made name tags for the week's volunteers, and she &  Kitty inventoried the things that came from IHN and made an executive decision to throw away two pillows which had seen better days--long ago!

Arlene and Steve arrived early to be overnight hosts and helped finish the last of the set up.  Kitty & Arlene did the orientation for the three families.  We have three Moms, who each have two children.  A nice group.  Crystal (Yemisi 11, & Josiah 10), Jill (Christopher 14, & Ethan 11) and Christina (twins who are 2, Dorothy & Melissa)  All are so nice, and they seemed especially pleased with the showers,  the Pit (although it was used tonight by the youth) and the play area in the nursery.

The children can only go beyond the Children's Ministry Suite (to the Pit & the Nursery area) when an adult is with them.

I was so impressed with how nice Christopher was with the twins--like a good big brother.  He cleaned up after them too.

PF and Greg arrived with a delicious dinner as we were finishing the orientation.  It included vegetarian lasagna, a huge salad (enough for two nights) french bread & delicious chocolate chip cookies.  Yum!!  All ate heartily.

Virginia and Darrell came to spend the night, for the first time.  They discovered the WDS door unlocked, but with help from Roger that was quickly remedied.  There was a group meeting upstairs, so they would have locked it when they left.

We have 76 individuals who are volunteers in November.  Several of them are doing more than one job.  A HUGE thanks to one and all.  God bless the families and the volunteers.  It is such a blessing to have a church facility that can be used in this way.

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