Hugh and Julie made sure all the guests were up and ready to roll. They reported a quiet night--just the kind we like!
Julie doing double-duty also drove the morning van. The afternoon van driver was Bill Flatt, and as always he did his duty well. Unfortunately a guest wasn't where he was expected...but all's well that ends well and everyone ended up back at FPC.
Madeline was the On-Site Coordinator and she put fresh sheets on the host beds, unlocked the doors and welcomed the first volunteers and guests home to First Pres. She also brought along her house guest from Mexico and Omar entertained (and was entertained by) the children with his drawing talent! What a treat. He stayed for the delicious meal and enjoyed the families very much. Too bad he doesn't live in Athens...we'd like to have him with us more often.
Patty and Steve were evening hosts and Steve was also a van scout. We are always grateful for our volunteers who do whatever it takes to make the day and night go well. They visited with the families and made sure all went smoothly.
The delicious dinner was thanks to Greta and Margaret with thanks to Julie for delivery. They prepared a wonderful Chicken Tetrazini with Fruit, Bread, a Green Salad, Tea and to top it all off--chocolate cake! YUM! They were also thoughtful to bring ginger ale for Carissa whose pregnancy makes ginger ale a welcome drink.
The overnight hosts were Mary and Bob who added the Pit to places in the church they have slept since IHN first began. They reported "low sugar" and that was re-supplied Wednesday.
Thanks to all who made Tuesday a good time, and educational in many respects. It seems we all learn something new every day. Thanks to Roger for taking many follow-up calls! So far the Pit seems to be working out just fine. We will be asking for feedback from all involved at the end of the week.
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