Monday, October 27, 2014

IHN, Sunday Oct 26, 2014

Sunday--the last day of our last host week of 2014 began early--very early!  Julie and Hugh Bowles were the overnight hosts and were expecting Jan and Kiera and Kiera's family by 9:00 pm.  They didn't arrive and at 2:30 am the Bowles lowered the gates to the parking lot.

The Take-Down crew:  Jayne, Denise, Terry, the McCartneys, the Martin-Williams, the Nesses and I arrived at 7 and went to work.

The Bowles,  and Tasha and Tatiana had to get up so we could strip their beds, and fold the frames and mattresses to send to the next church.  Bless Tatiana who didn't know they were moving (they began in the program on Wednesday).  When her Mom said "We go to a different church this evening,"  Tatiana got big tears in her eyes and said "But I like this church!"   And we liked her.

Tatina had been enthralled by Evening Host Mark's magic on Saturday night.  And on Friday night the Whitens were Evening Hosts and their grandchildren hosted with them.  Patty wrote "Our grandchildren enjoyed playing with the four children who were there.  Our granddaughter especially hit is off with Tatiana since they're so close in age and they had a fun time together.  So much so that as we were getting ready to leave and giving Tatiana a hug, she told Breanna that she wished she could stay and live there with her.  What a precious moment that was and I was especially touched that Tatiana used the word "live" rather than "stay" as I thought that indicated how well cared for she felt after being in the church for most of the week."  

My heart aches for these children who have to move week after week and see new people each day...  THANKS for being so loving and kind to them--it makes a difference, whether they ever express it or not.  And they touch our lives in very special ways.

The truck arrived and all the beds and bins were loaded in an assembly-line fashion.  The Take Down crew was good!   They vacuumed the floor, put things back in the proper places and just generally did everything that was needed.  The laundry was sorted into "likes"--all towels in one bag, sheets sets matched and bagged together, etc.  Our laundry volunteers do great work--and they are amazing "folders"...everything stacks neatly on the shelves.  This week the Sunday laundry volunteers were Zanne Hunt, Sarah Bryan, Jayne Bailey and Denise Horton.  

The food was sorted and boxed to take to the Day Center for future meals, much too good to toss.  We took Tasha and Tatiana to the Day Center and left the Van at the First Baptist parking lot across the street.

The Day Center Hosts Sheila Marshall and Bert Prestegard  arrived at 1:00 pm Sunday afternoon.   Brooking DuPriest came a bit later and helped with a couple who came in looking for a place to stay.  Our volunteers got them food from Our Daily Bread, which operates from First Baptist across the street.  They provided supplies and some money to help them reach their final destination Charleston.  There are so many in need.  Those three women touched the lives of this couple passing through Athens.

All three IHN families were at the Day Center with all their things, and I drove the Van and Denise followed me to Watkinsville First United Methodist  Church--the next host congregation.  We hugged everyone good-bye and passed them into other loving arms.

Thank you to each volunteer from CCI and First Pres this week.  YOU  make this work and it makes a difference in the lives of these Mothers and their children.  Keep them in your prayers.

When all the guests were safely at the next congregation and the Van was parked and locked, Denise and I shared a bottle of wine--and raised our glasses to our wonderful Coordinating Team, the excellent Team that will begin in January 2015 and to the best volunteers ever!!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR, January 11 - 18, 2015...our next IHN Host Week.  See you in the Pit!

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