The last day of our host week dawned early. David and Bruce had gotten everyone stirring. When I arrived at the church all the families had gotten their belongings outside their door for the truck. They stripped the beds and put the linens in a big pile. They folded their beds, and each Mom swept her room.
The overnight hosts--great guys that they are--helped roll beds to the hallway and move bins. The take down crew of Kitty L, Carmen, Alicia, John, Katherine, Sarah, Mac, Steven and Ed were busy bees getting everything done with time to spare.
Erik was the Van driver and he took Crystal to work, along with her children, then went to the Day Center with everyone else.
Denise can't get away from her IHN Coordinating job--she woke up this morning, in Austin TX on central time, to a call from the person who was staying at the Day Center (paid by FPC) saying her ride had cancelled. Denise relayed the message to Athens--and Ed to the rescue. The young woman was in a UGa dorm, and he picked her up in his sporty silver convertible and took her to the Day Center. She was very grateful to Ed--as was Erik who was waiting for her arrival!! What a great team we have.
The truck driver came as we were beginning to get antsy and everything was back in order for Sunday School. He tried the "Bergeman Method" and parked at the ramp. John and his kids who did the loading pronounced it better than bumping up and down the steps. Thanks for the great idea Carl.
Everything that belongs to First Pres (sheets, pillows, mattress covers, blankets, etc) was moved back to the IHN storage spot "Under the Porch" to rest for several weeks until called back into service.
The dishwasher was emptied of clean dishes, and four -- LARGE bags of laundry were put into the small kitchen with the names of the Sunday laundry do-ere: Sarah, Marie, Zanne and Debbie. They will be returned in a week or so clean and ready to be used again during our next host week.
Thanks to all 76 people and the 6 IHN Coordinators who made this week go well. Our guests were pleasant, grateful and well tended. We are blessed to have had time to interact with them.
A couple of things happened that I didn't know about until today:
--Denise said "On Thursday night two year old Melissa serenaded everyone at dinner with Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and the ABC song. While it could be a bit difficult to understand, Melissa let everyone know when the song ended by clapping enthusiastically and saying 'Yeah!' It was very cute."
--Rick reported that when he had everyone in the Van ready to return to the church on Friday evening, that the UGa Homecoming Parade had all the streets blocked off to traffic. But Rick doesn't take no for an answer--he explained to the very nice police officer that he had nine people, including very young children and there was no way they could walk six blocks. The officer let him pass and Rick parked the Van in the FPC parking lot! Then he walked back to First Baptist for his car. Way to persist Rick!
At 1:00 pm our faithful Day Center volunteers Maggie and Virginia arrived and stayed until 5:00 when the log book and all the guests are passed into the good hands of the IHN coordinator at First Baptist. It's just a short walk across the street from the Day Center.
Speaking of First Baptist--kudos to them for taking over the Our Daily Bread soup kitchen when Oconee Street Methodist burned. The crowd has increased, and they began as the temporary home,
but recently made it a permanent move. If you know people at First Baptist please give them loud praise for their good work in this and so many ways.
Keep the IHN families in your prayers. Crystal and her family's time is drawing to a close in early December and they are in need of affordable housing in a safe place. These three Mothers are working hard to move into their own place and your prayers are greatly needed.
Til our first Host Week of 2014...thanks for ALL you do for IHN!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
I (Kitty) am the Sat Van driver and arrived at First Presbyterian to find the "parking volunteers" for FPC Youth choir already at work for Game Day, though few takers so early.
Inside Brian had gently awakened everyone. I'm sure all were glad to sleep a bit extra, as each week-day morning everyone left on the Van at 6:45. Saturday is a treat for not only sleeping late, but having a fabulous breakfast.
Daryl Magrino, superb chef that he is had outdone himself. He had plates of bacon, sausage, a pot of grits and a beautiful fruit plate as well as juice and biscuits. Plus each person got to order their eggs just the way they wanted them--with cheese, or not--scrambled, fried or an omelette. What a treat.
We all sat around the tables and had a leisurely, wonderful breakfast. Too soon it was time to head to the Day Center. I (Kitty) was the Van driver and I was anxious about getting a place to park the van in its usual lot at First Baptist. It has a parking pass for game day--as long as there is still a spot.
No trouble this morning.
In fact there was time to take Crystal, Yemisi and Josiah to their Seventh Day Adventist Church and get back to First Baptist with most all the places still open. The attendant insisted that I couldn't park there on game day--even with the pass. Since there was no good option, I insisted right back that we could. She called her supervisor who told me it was just fine. The only stipulation was that I had to park "in the middle" not around the edges where they had cones. That was fine with me.
Jill asked me to look for Christopher's phone when I went back to First Pres. I found it right on a table, which made Jill's day!
Speaking of days--today is Ethan's 12th BIRTHDAY! We have a cake for tonight, and Ethelyn will bring ice cream with dinner. Next year at this time he will be a teenager...
I picked up Christina, Dorothy and Melissa and Jill, Christopher and Ethan and we went to First Pres. Christina's Mother was visiting which was so nice, and Dorothy hated to leave her behind--she spilled a lot of tears and wailed loudly on the short ride to the church, but calmed down after we arrived. Chrystal and family will be brought to FPC by their church.
Ethelyn brought a huge meal! There was a large platter of chicken strips, which were very popular! And pizzas--2 cheese, 1 meat and 1 vegetarian. There was plenty for dinner and enough left over for Sunday lunch!
She also brought 3 kinds of ice cream. We had a chocolate cake with 'Happy Birthday Ethan' on it. Jill arranged the 12 candles, Chris lit them--and after Yemesi turned out all the lights--wheeled the cake and ice creams into the room with singing for Ethan. He was surprised and seemed pleased. Everyone enjoyed his cake (except Josiah who is allergic to eggs--however Ethelyn had made sure he had egg-less ice cream!)
It was a festive evening with Ben and Molly as hosts and their 2 year old Crawford as junior host!
Before they left Ben closed the under-the-church garage gate, after the very last game day parker had left.
David and Bruce were there for the overnight and it went well. Nothing happened--which is always good.
Inside Brian had gently awakened everyone. I'm sure all were glad to sleep a bit extra, as each week-day morning everyone left on the Van at 6:45. Saturday is a treat for not only sleeping late, but having a fabulous breakfast.
Daryl Magrino, superb chef that he is had outdone himself. He had plates of bacon, sausage, a pot of grits and a beautiful fruit plate as well as juice and biscuits. Plus each person got to order their eggs just the way they wanted them--with cheese, or not--scrambled, fried or an omelette. What a treat.
We all sat around the tables and had a leisurely, wonderful breakfast. Too soon it was time to head to the Day Center. I (Kitty) was the Van driver and I was anxious about getting a place to park the van in its usual lot at First Baptist. It has a parking pass for game day--as long as there is still a spot.
No trouble this morning.
In fact there was time to take Crystal, Yemisi and Josiah to their Seventh Day Adventist Church and get back to First Baptist with most all the places still open. The attendant insisted that I couldn't park there on game day--even with the pass. Since there was no good option, I insisted right back that we could. She called her supervisor who told me it was just fine. The only stipulation was that I had to park "in the middle" not around the edges where they had cones. That was fine with me.
Jill asked me to look for Christopher's phone when I went back to First Pres. I found it right on a table, which made Jill's day!
Speaking of days--today is Ethan's 12th BIRTHDAY! We have a cake for tonight, and Ethelyn will bring ice cream with dinner. Next year at this time he will be a teenager...
I picked up Christina, Dorothy and Melissa and Jill, Christopher and Ethan and we went to First Pres. Christina's Mother was visiting which was so nice, and Dorothy hated to leave her behind--she spilled a lot of tears and wailed loudly on the short ride to the church, but calmed down after we arrived. Chrystal and family will be brought to FPC by their church.
Ethelyn brought a huge meal! There was a large platter of chicken strips, which were very popular! And pizzas--2 cheese, 1 meat and 1 vegetarian. There was plenty for dinner and enough left over for Sunday lunch!
She also brought 3 kinds of ice cream. We had a chocolate cake with 'Happy Birthday Ethan' on it. Jill arranged the 12 candles, Chris lit them--and after Yemesi turned out all the lights--wheeled the cake and ice creams into the room with singing for Ethan. He was surprised and seemed pleased. Everyone enjoyed his cake (except Josiah who is allergic to eggs--however Ethelyn had made sure he had egg-less ice cream!)
It was a festive evening with Ben and Molly as hosts and their 2 year old Crawford as junior host!
Before they left Ben closed the under-the-church garage gate, after the very last game day parker had left.
David and Bruce were there for the overnight and it went well. Nothing happened--which is always good.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
IHN, Friday November 8, 2013
Overnight hosts Lynn and Madeline got the guests is hard on a chilly morning to get out of a warm bed--but duty calls.
Jim is Friday's genial Van driver and everyone is taken to school and work.
Lynn and Madeline move furniture, tidy up and finish their overnight hosting.
Rick picks up Moms and children and returns everyone to the church just like clockwork.
Susan is the On Site / On Call Coordinator and she was surprised to find the UGa Homecoming Parade on Dougherty Street! Go Dawgs! She reset the room and was there to greet the overnight hosts Paige, Robert and children.
Jeannie and Sarah brought a delicious meal of: beef in gravy, rice with vegetables, 2 other vegetable dishes, a salad and pies--one apple & one lemon meringue! Everyone enjoyed all of it very much.
Brian, Tara, Ryan and Hannon were the Overnight Hosts. Tara quarantined herself as she had a bad case of pinkeye. Bless her for even coming.
Good day--quiet night. All is well.
Jim is Friday's genial Van driver and everyone is taken to school and work.
Lynn and Madeline move furniture, tidy up and finish their overnight hosting.
Rick picks up Moms and children and returns everyone to the church just like clockwork.
Susan is the On Site / On Call Coordinator and she was surprised to find the UGa Homecoming Parade on Dougherty Street! Go Dawgs! She reset the room and was there to greet the overnight hosts Paige, Robert and children.
Jeannie and Sarah brought a delicious meal of: beef in gravy, rice with vegetables, 2 other vegetable dishes, a salad and pies--one apple & one lemon meringue! Everyone enjoyed all of it very much.
Brian, Tara, Ryan and Hannon were the Overnight Hosts. Tara quarantined herself as she had a bad case of pinkeye. Bless her for even coming.
Good day--quiet night. All is well.
Friday, November 8, 2013
IHN, Thursday November 7, 2013
Wednesday Overnight hosts Sara and John roused all the guests, so they could get on the Van in time to make the rounds. Then they moved the bed and the rest of the IHN things out of the volunteer bedroom. There is now a photo as to how the room is to be re-set. We appreciate the patience of the Weekday school staff as we learn what goes where!
Richard arrived in time to leave with the Van at 6:45, so no one is late to work or school. He made the rather complicated route and the day begins.
Denise was both the On Site/On Call Coordinator and the afternoon Van driver. She went by the church in the afternoon and got the furniture back in the volunteer room, and changed the sheets.
Then she made the pick ups at the Day Center and Bright Beginnings and took everyone back to the church.
Everyone that is except Jill, Christopher and Ethan. Christopher had a drawing hung in the gallery at the Lamar Dodd School of Art and the opening of the show was tonight. They went, along with other Clarke County Middle School Students and Parents to see the good work the students had done. I went by the Art School and spoke to the CCMS Art teacher and he said what a pleasure it was to work with Christopher. Christopher started an Art Club at the school--that's a great thing! Having a piece exhibited is something to celebrate. Yeah Christopher!
Judy and Julie had prepared a delicious vegetarian chili with all the "fixings". The church was reported to have smelled wonderful all day as it cooked in a crock pot in the kitchen!! There was also meat in a separate dish for those who wanted it. Along with cole slaw and sugar cookies. Our meal preparers have done a super job all week of accommodating everyones needs.
After a rather quick dinner Denise and Crystal's family were off to go to a meeting at 6:30, for a program they are taking. Getting them to the right place on time, Denise then went to the UGa School of Art to pick up Jill and her sons at 7:00 and take them back to the Church for a late--but very tasty--dinner. Before long Denise left to pick up Crystal, Yemisi and Josiah at 8:30 and take them back to FPC. With all present and accounted for Denise headed home. CHEERS for Denise, for doing a great Van driving job this afternoon and evening with a lot of "back and forthing."
Madeline was back to spend the second night, this time with Lynn. They reported everything was fine, except Yemisi is missing the stem from her eyeglasses to her ear. Hopefully that can be fixed soon.
During the night Christina and one of the twins were up in the wee hours watching a movie. That makes getting up early the next morning difficult!
Richard arrived in time to leave with the Van at 6:45, so no one is late to work or school. He made the rather complicated route and the day begins.
Denise was both the On Site/On Call Coordinator and the afternoon Van driver. She went by the church in the afternoon and got the furniture back in the volunteer room, and changed the sheets.
Then she made the pick ups at the Day Center and Bright Beginnings and took everyone back to the church.
Everyone that is except Jill, Christopher and Ethan. Christopher had a drawing hung in the gallery at the Lamar Dodd School of Art and the opening of the show was tonight. They went, along with other Clarke County Middle School Students and Parents to see the good work the students had done. I went by the Art School and spoke to the CCMS Art teacher and he said what a pleasure it was to work with Christopher. Christopher started an Art Club at the school--that's a great thing! Having a piece exhibited is something to celebrate. Yeah Christopher!
Judy and Julie had prepared a delicious vegetarian chili with all the "fixings". The church was reported to have smelled wonderful all day as it cooked in a crock pot in the kitchen!! There was also meat in a separate dish for those who wanted it. Along with cole slaw and sugar cookies. Our meal preparers have done a super job all week of accommodating everyones needs.
After a rather quick dinner Denise and Crystal's family were off to go to a meeting at 6:30, for a program they are taking. Getting them to the right place on time, Denise then went to the UGa School of Art to pick up Jill and her sons at 7:00 and take them back to the Church for a late--but very tasty--dinner. Before long Denise left to pick up Crystal, Yemisi and Josiah at 8:30 and take them back to FPC. With all present and accounted for Denise headed home. CHEERS for Denise, for doing a great Van driving job this afternoon and evening with a lot of "back and forthing."
Madeline was back to spend the second night, this time with Lynn. They reported everything was fine, except Yemisi is missing the stem from her eyeglasses to her ear. Hopefully that can be fixed soon.
During the night Christina and one of the twins were up in the wee hours watching a movie. That makes getting up early the next morning difficult!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
IHN, Wednesday November 6, 2013
Wednesday morning found sleepy guests (and volunteers). But Madeline and Winston had everyone up and about and the van left on time with Jayne once again the driver making the rounds. It can be tricky to get 2 to Whit Davis by 7:15, then a Mom to work across town by 7:30, then 2 to Clarke Middle by 7:45--whew...then to more leisurely take 2 to Bright Beginnings by 8:00 and then the other Moms to the Day Center. Yea Jayne, all were present and accounted for at the proper times!
Madeline and Winston meanwhile re-set the "volunteer bedroom" as the Week Day School. From Thursday on we will have photos to guide the re-setting of that room. They are in the Blue Host Week Book that stays at First Pres.
Wednesday found the missing laundry box back in it's rightful place--how is unknown! However, the drinking glasses were no longer in the small kitchen, but had made it upstairs to the big kitchen (their usual home). Since we want to be good stewards and not use paper or plastic, they were brought back down to the small kitchen. Hope they will stay put through Saturday night! This has been a mysterious week, with keys, laundry box and glasses gone missing then being found. And it is not Halloween.
Supplies such as fruit, granola bars and other healthy snacks were replenished, along with more OJ, and Milk.
Erik was the On Site/On Call Coordinator, and was there to greet the guests and Van Driver Bill Flatt--who deserves a gold star for driving three afternoons in a row. Thanks Bill!
Carol M. and Tanna arrived and went with the guests to Fellowship Hall for the Wednesday night supper. Everyone ate very well. And when birthdays for the week were recognized, our Ethan was applauded--he will be 12 on Saturday.
John and Sara were the overnight hosts. They reported that everyone was up a little later than usual. John worked with Crystal on her resume and job application. Keep her in your prayers, and all the other Moms--that they may find work that they will enjoy.
As we mark the middle of our Host Week we feel blessed to have such nice families in our church, we have enjoyed getting to know them. The guests always bless our lives in ways we never expect. We are also blessed--and grateful to have such caring volunteers. God Bless You Everyone.
Madeline and Winston meanwhile re-set the "volunteer bedroom" as the Week Day School. From Thursday on we will have photos to guide the re-setting of that room. They are in the Blue Host Week Book that stays at First Pres.
Wednesday found the missing laundry box back in it's rightful place--how is unknown! However, the drinking glasses were no longer in the small kitchen, but had made it upstairs to the big kitchen (their usual home). Since we want to be good stewards and not use paper or plastic, they were brought back down to the small kitchen. Hope they will stay put through Saturday night! This has been a mysterious week, with keys, laundry box and glasses gone missing then being found. And it is not Halloween.
Supplies such as fruit, granola bars and other healthy snacks were replenished, along with more OJ, and Milk.
Erik was the On Site/On Call Coordinator, and was there to greet the guests and Van Driver Bill Flatt--who deserves a gold star for driving three afternoons in a row. Thanks Bill!
Carol M. and Tanna arrived and went with the guests to Fellowship Hall for the Wednesday night supper. Everyone ate very well. And when birthdays for the week were recognized, our Ethan was applauded--he will be 12 on Saturday.
John and Sara were the overnight hosts. They reported that everyone was up a little later than usual. John worked with Crystal on her resume and job application. Keep her in your prayers, and all the other Moms--that they may find work that they will enjoy.
As we mark the middle of our Host Week we feel blessed to have such nice families in our church, we have enjoyed getting to know them. The guests always bless our lives in ways we never expect. We are also blessed--and grateful to have such caring volunteers. God Bless You Everyone.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
IHN, Tuesday November 5, 2013
Tuesday morning got off to an early start, with Jayne picking up the guests at 6:45 and getting everyone to the right place on time--no easy task! Although Tuesday is an "off" day for the Mom who usually needs to be at work by 7:30 am.
2 kids are taken to Whit Davis Elementary by 7:15 am
2 kids are taken to Clarke Middle School by 7:45 am
2 children are taken to Bright Beginnings
Everyone else goes to the Day Center
Jayne said she was enjoying talking with the guests so much that she stayed quite a while and enjoyed it very much--and I'm sure the guests did as well.
Overnight hosts Natalie and Barbara did a great job of getting everyone up and ready on time, and of making sure the Volunteer Room beds, medicine cabinet, bins with sheets and towels, calendar, notebook, etc was moved OUT of the room into the Children's Ministry Suite for the day. A Weekday School class uses the "volunteer bedroom" during the day. Thanks Natalie and Barbara for spending the night AND moving things out!!
Barb went by FPC to get the volunteer sheets & towels and take them home to wash. Alas, no clear plastic box with label "IHN dirty laundry" and no dirty laundry! DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE LAUNDRY MIGHT BE? Barb took last night's sheets from the beds, so her trip was not in vain!
Madeline was the On Site/On Call Coordinator for Tuesday. She moved the furniture back into the volunteer room, and greeted the Evening Hosts Jeannie and Bobby.
Susan brought a delicious meal of Pork Loin, Beans, Baked Potatoes, Biscuits, Vegetarian options and a Cream Cheese Pound Cake. Madeline raved about how good it was--and so did the guests.
During the evening Ethan constructed quite a domino chain--with Bobby cheering him on! Madeline sent a video--which I tried to upload, without success. Neither could I remove it, as you can see from above. :( I need a kid to help me with technology!
Crystal and family returned to the church and there was food waiting for them.
Madeline returned to spend the night along with Winston. They had a quiet evening. All is well.
2 kids are taken to Whit Davis Elementary by 7:15 am
2 kids are taken to Clarke Middle School by 7:45 am
2 children are taken to Bright Beginnings
Everyone else goes to the Day Center
Jayne said she was enjoying talking with the guests so much that she stayed quite a while and enjoyed it very much--and I'm sure the guests did as well.
Overnight hosts Natalie and Barbara did a great job of getting everyone up and ready on time, and of making sure the Volunteer Room beds, medicine cabinet, bins with sheets and towels, calendar, notebook, etc was moved OUT of the room into the Children's Ministry Suite for the day. A Weekday School class uses the "volunteer bedroom" during the day. Thanks Natalie and Barbara for spending the night AND moving things out!!
Barb went by FPC to get the volunteer sheets & towels and take them home to wash. Alas, no clear plastic box with label "IHN dirty laundry" and no dirty laundry! DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE LAUNDRY MIGHT BE? Barb took last night's sheets from the beds, so her trip was not in vain!
Madeline was the On Site/On Call Coordinator for Tuesday. She moved the furniture back into the volunteer room, and greeted the Evening Hosts Jeannie and Bobby.
Susan brought a delicious meal of Pork Loin, Beans, Baked Potatoes, Biscuits, Vegetarian options and a Cream Cheese Pound Cake. Madeline raved about how good it was--and so did the guests.
During the evening Ethan constructed quite a domino chain--with Bobby cheering him on! Madeline sent a video--which I tried to upload, without success. Neither could I remove it, as you can see from above. :( I need a kid to help me with technology!
Crystal and family returned to the church and there was food waiting for them.
Madeline returned to spend the night along with Winston. They had a quiet evening. All is well.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
IHN, Monday November 4, 2013
Monday morning Van pick up was at 6:45 am. Virginia & Darrell made sure everyone was up, and Chuck got all nine in the van for the first drop off of a Mom at work. No school for the four "big kids" today. The twins went to Bright Beginnings and everyone else to the Day Center.
Madeline went by to talk with the overnight hosts but everyone had already gone--and she said the place looked spotless!
Terry M was the On Site/On Call Coordinator for Monday and got there to find someone had already stripped the beds and changed the sheets. Angels are lurking somewhere--who are you??
He was there to greet Sheila and Terry N who were the Evening Hosts, the Guests, and Bill who was the afternoon Van Driver.
Nancy and Bob brought a delicious dinner of fresh veggie strips, whole wheat pita bread, Lentil Soup, Applesauce, and from last night a green salad, and cookies. Everyone enjoyed it very much! We have the best cooks who do a great job during our IHN week.
Lots of conversation and activity. Terry and Madeline came back to the church to sub for one overnight host who had a late class.
Barbara and Natalie were our genial overnight hosts and the night was quiet--just like we like it.
Morning comes early. Sweet dreams one and all.
Madeline went by to talk with the overnight hosts but everyone had already gone--and she said the place looked spotless!
Terry M was the On Site/On Call Coordinator for Monday and got there to find someone had already stripped the beds and changed the sheets. Angels are lurking somewhere--who are you??
He was there to greet Sheila and Terry N who were the Evening Hosts, the Guests, and Bill who was the afternoon Van Driver.
Nancy and Bob brought a delicious dinner of fresh veggie strips, whole wheat pita bread, Lentil Soup, Applesauce, and from last night a green salad, and cookies. Everyone enjoyed it very much! We have the best cooks who do a great job during our IHN week.
Lots of conversation and activity. Terry and Madeline came back to the church to sub for one overnight host who had a late class.
Barbara and Natalie were our genial overnight hosts and the night was quiet--just like we like it.
Morning comes early. Sweet dreams one and all.
IHN, Sunday November 3, 2013
Our last IHN host week of 2013 is underway!
The truck arrived on the dot of 2:00 but most of the set up crew were a couple of minutes later. We enlisted Cynthia who had come to launder the bedspreads, and we cleared the truck in nothing flat! Carl had the good idea next time to use the ramp instead of the steps (he was the one that jockeyed everything up the steps this time!) The driver said that was fine with all we have to do is remember to direct him there.
Carl, Carla, Rick, Tom, Carol, Jim and Kitty--with Cynthia's help got the rooms swept, the Sunday school furniture moved out of three rooms and guest rooms set up. We decided to leave most of the Weekday school things in the volunteer bedroom, thinking sleeping near the things trumped moving them the next morning.
Cynthia was off to a commercial laundromat with all the blue bedspreads which go from church to church!! She brought them back clean and folded and helped put them on the beds.
The paper covering the windows for privacy kept falling off--faulty tape?? Certainly it was NOT faulty tapers! Carl & Tom discussed using foam board and velcro next time, that could be used over and over, and would be very easy to install and take down--saving both money and effort. They measured and Carl will discuss with Roger.
Nine beds were made up--and the stuffed animals were put on the two year olds beds. Cute.
Carol made name tags for the week's volunteers, and she & Kitty inventoried the things that came from IHN and made an executive decision to throw away two pillows which had seen better days--long ago!
Arlene and Steve arrived early to be overnight hosts and helped finish the last of the set up. Kitty & Arlene did the orientation for the three families. We have three Moms, who each have two children. A nice group. Crystal (Yemisi 11, & Josiah 10), Jill (Christopher 14, & Ethan 11) and Christina (twins who are 2, Dorothy & Melissa) All are so nice, and they seemed especially pleased with the showers, the Pit (although it was used tonight by the youth) and the play area in the nursery.
The children can only go beyond the Children's Ministry Suite (to the Pit & the Nursery area) when an adult is with them.
I was so impressed with how nice Christopher was with the twins--like a good big brother. He cleaned up after them too.
PF and Greg arrived with a delicious dinner as we were finishing the orientation. It included vegetarian lasagna, a huge salad (enough for two nights) french bread & delicious chocolate chip cookies. Yum!! All ate heartily.
Virginia and Darrell came to spend the night, for the first time. They discovered the WDS door unlocked, but with help from Roger that was quickly remedied. There was a group meeting upstairs, so they would have locked it when they left.
We have 76 individuals who are volunteers in November. Several of them are doing more than one job. A HUGE thanks to one and all. God bless the families and the volunteers. It is such a blessing to have a church facility that can be used in this way.
The truck arrived on the dot of 2:00 but most of the set up crew were a couple of minutes later. We enlisted Cynthia who had come to launder the bedspreads, and we cleared the truck in nothing flat! Carl had the good idea next time to use the ramp instead of the steps (he was the one that jockeyed everything up the steps this time!) The driver said that was fine with all we have to do is remember to direct him there.
Carl, Carla, Rick, Tom, Carol, Jim and Kitty--with Cynthia's help got the rooms swept, the Sunday school furniture moved out of three rooms and guest rooms set up. We decided to leave most of the Weekday school things in the volunteer bedroom, thinking sleeping near the things trumped moving them the next morning.
Cynthia was off to a commercial laundromat with all the blue bedspreads which go from church to church!! She brought them back clean and folded and helped put them on the beds.
The paper covering the windows for privacy kept falling off--faulty tape?? Certainly it was NOT faulty tapers! Carl & Tom discussed using foam board and velcro next time, that could be used over and over, and would be very easy to install and take down--saving both money and effort. They measured and Carl will discuss with Roger.
Nine beds were made up--and the stuffed animals were put on the two year olds beds. Cute.
Carol made name tags for the week's volunteers, and she & Kitty inventoried the things that came from IHN and made an executive decision to throw away two pillows which had seen better days--long ago!
Arlene and Steve arrived early to be overnight hosts and helped finish the last of the set up. Kitty & Arlene did the orientation for the three families. We have three Moms, who each have two children. A nice group. Crystal (Yemisi 11, & Josiah 10), Jill (Christopher 14, & Ethan 11) and Christina (twins who are 2, Dorothy & Melissa) All are so nice, and they seemed especially pleased with the showers, the Pit (although it was used tonight by the youth) and the play area in the nursery.
The children can only go beyond the Children's Ministry Suite (to the Pit & the Nursery area) when an adult is with them.
I was so impressed with how nice Christopher was with the twins--like a good big brother. He cleaned up after them too.
PF and Greg arrived with a delicious dinner as we were finishing the orientation. It included vegetarian lasagna, a huge salad (enough for two nights) french bread & delicious chocolate chip cookies. Yum!! All ate heartily.
Virginia and Darrell came to spend the night, for the first time. They discovered the WDS door unlocked, but with help from Roger that was quickly remedied. There was a group meeting upstairs, so they would have locked it when they left.
We have 76 individuals who are volunteers in November. Several of them are doing more than one job. A HUGE thanks to one and all. God bless the families and the volunteers. It is such a blessing to have a church facility that can be used in this way.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
IHN, Sunday August 18, 2013
It is an early start on Sunday during the IHN host week. The take down crew arrived a little before 7:00 am. Winston and Natalie were up and ready. They said it had been a quiet night after a fun movie. Their response to our appreciation "All we did was sleep!"
The take down crew was helped immensely by Roger on Friday. He removed the furniture from both the guest rooms that were used by the two families that moved out on Thursday. Not only that but he replaced the furniture--using the photos taken by Candice prior to last Sunday's set up for just this purpose.
The McCartney family--who are experts in take-down after helping during all our 2013 host weeks--did their usual good job. Denise and Kitty were the rest of the crew. All the beds and bins were at the door ready to go on the truck...but where oh where was the truck?? It arrived later than usual. But fortunately in time to call Dr Sherman and let him know he did not have to go to the Day Center and look for the number, as he had so graciously offered to do. The truck was loaded, the hallways were cleared and another host week was almost a wrap.
Kitty drove Sherry and her family to the Day Center. After church Maggie and Virginia arrived to be the Day Center Hosts from 1:00 until 5 pm. Virginina is one of our "Wee Readers" and she read to the children during the afternoon.
Kitty took Elizabeth to work at 4 pm and came back to leave the van and say good bye to Sherry, Johnathan and Mary. Maggie and Virginia will leave them in the good hands of Sherri and the volunteers at First Baptist Church for next week. Though they won't be at our church--they will remain in our prayers.
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make it a good week. It takes everyone to make this happen. Our next week is November 3 - 10, 2013. See you then!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Lynn and Happy greeted Sherry and her family Saturday morning. It is always a welcome change to be able to sleep in a bit. Darryl was in Fellowship Hall (with Jane & David) and had a fabulous breakfast as always during our IHN Host weeks!
He had blintzes with cherry sauce, quiche, bacon, biscuits, hash browns, fresh fruit, and eggs cooked to order--what more could anyone want? And I am probably forgetting something, I was astounded and I think our guests were too! Everyone ate and chatted and enjoyed a leisurely morning. Nice way to start the week-end. And we walked out and left the clean up to the fantastic Magrinos!
After enjoying breakfast I (Kitty) took Sherry and family to the Day Center. In the late afternoon I picked up everyone in the IHN Van and took Elizabeth to Kroger for work. Everyone else returned to First Presbyterian.
Evening hosts P.F. and Greg were already there (as new evening hosts, they wanted to make sure they checked out everything in advance--thanks for being such good volunteers!). Soon David arrived with dinner prepared by Regina--and what a delicious dinner it was. There was a vegetable tettrazini with a green salad AND a fresh fruit salad. Topping it off was a yummy pound cake!
The family and hosts enjoyed watching a movie. Winston and Natalie arrived to spend the night and got to see some of it too. Nice evening.
At 11 pm Greg and PF picked up Elizabeth after her work--THANKS!
From beginning to end the volunteers made Saturday really nice for our guests. God Bless one and all
Saturday, August 17, 2013
IHN, Friday, August 16, 2013
Mary and Bob got Sherry and her family up for school and day care. Jim Mc picked up everyone for the van ride and the day is off to a good start. Jim is a first time driver, but Erik makes sure new drivers have all the info needed about the van, addresses and directions.
"In particular, she said that when she first joined IHN and was the only family, she got a little down and anxious. However, she said she put it all in God's hands and feels very positive about being back on her feet with a home for her and Isaiah."
Denise concluded with "It made for a wonderful start to the weekend!" As is usually the case, we volunteers get more from the guests than we give. We are blessed to encounter them.
In an unusual situation Denise picked up Seleetha and Isaiah at their new home, after they spent their first night there, and took Isaiah to day care, dropped the car seat back at their home, then took Seleetha to work. She asked Seleetha if she had any tips for the volunteers and she could only say wonderful things about her experiences with IHN.
"In particular, she said that when she first joined IHN and was the only family, she got a little down and anxious. However, she said she put it all in God's hands and feels very positive about being back on her feet with a home for her and Isaiah."
Denise concluded with "It made for a wonderful start to the weekend!" As is usually the case, we volunteers get more from the guests than we give. We are blessed to encounter them.
Erik was once again the afternoon van driver and it was his second day in a row of being the on-site/on-call coordinator. THANKS Eric for lots of work this week!
Erik made the beds and welcomed the DeMaria family who brought & served a delicious dinner of lasagna, salad, bread and brownies! They stayed and ate with the guests. The Thompson family were Evening Hosts, so the two guest children had lots of attention on Friday night! Thanks to all of you for making a family event of IHN hosting.
Lynn and Happy, overnight stalwarts, spent the night. They reported having fun watching a movie with Johnathan. It was a quiet night. And another rainy night in Georgia.
THANKS to all who made a good Friday for our guests!
Friday, August 16, 2013
IHN Thursday, August 15, 2013
Thursday was a day of transition. I feel sure two families approached the day with mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety as they begin a new phase of life.
Sara and John got everyone up and going early Thursday morning. Steve was a van driver--his second host week to do this; he and his wife Patty are in the church new members class & we are so happy to have them! He took the three children to school and day care.
This was the last morning for two families, Bryant and his son will return to Ohio to be near family as he believes this is the best choice for them. We wish them well and will keep them in our prayers.
Seleetha and her son moved into their new place Thursday. Isaiah will finish the week at Bright Beginnings, then move to a new day center much closer to their home on Monday. We wish them well and pray for them as well.
Erik was the afternoon van driver and he picked up everyone and took Seleetha and Isaiah to their new home. It is a happy occasion to see a family succeed in setting goals and reaching them with the help of the IHNA staff and the hospitality of many congregations.
Erik was also the on-site/on-call coordinator and he welcomed Brita and Carol B. Nancy & Bob made another wonderful meal for our guests: green salad with chicken, rolls, and yummy peach/blackberry cobbler. All enjoyed the delicious, thoughtfully planned and prepared dinner.
Carol and Brita reported they had fun playing with 5 year old Johnathan and 3 year old Mary. Know the kids enjoyed it too!
The overnight hosts, Bob and Mary have years of experience and says the volunteer room seems like the Hilton after what they remember from the "early days of IHN at First Pres". We appreciate their years of service--and the ways they have made our host weeks better and better.
In one day we went from three families to one. God bless them all.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
IHN, Wednesday August 14, 2013
Wednesday got off to an early start! David and Bruce got everyone up and moving. Jayne was the van driver again & got two families to the correct places just on time. Bryant drove Hayden to day care in his own car, as he has all week.
Terry, as the on-site coordinator, was at the church in the late afternoon to make up the volunteer beds, and be ready for Bill to arrive with the guests. Bill drove the van for the third straight afternoon! Jess & Rhea did their usual wonderful job of cooking, with a great meal of pork chops and stuffing, carrots, mac and cheese, cole slaw, sliced tomatoes and as if that were not enough there was ice cream for dessert with a choice of strawberries or chocolate toppings (or both!).
Evening Hosts Carol M and Tanna served dinner and spent the evening with the three families. Terry went home with his cell phone on, as the on-call coordinator.
John and Sara arrived after choir practice to spend the night; and they got to enjoy some of the good food. Elizabeth didn't get off work until 9:00 pm and Kitty was there in the van to pick her up and to get some (natural) baby cough medicine for Isaiah.
Wednesday night was Seleetha and Isaiah's last night. On Thursday they move into their own place! We will miss them, and they will remain in our prayers. We're happy for them.
Thanks to all the volunteers for making this another good day; and to our guests for blessing us in many ways. May God bless us all.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
IHN, Tuesday August 13, 2013
Wanda and Barb were "up and at 'em" very early. All the guests were up and ready on time which meant they arrived where they were supposed to on time! Thanks to all.Tuesday morning van driver Jayne arrived at 6:30 was met by Erik for her inaugural run. She was greeted by Hayden and Mary who both remembered Jayne, one of our star Wee Readers, from reading to them at day care. They remembered she brought cookies (& told her about the cookies they had eaten at church), and even more impressive they remembered the book she read and lots of things about the story--way to go Jayne! It must have made the 3 & 4 year olds so happy to see your loving, familiar face come through the door.Everyone was delivered on time and Tuesday got off to a good start. Afternoon van driver Bill, is an experienced pro and did his usual good job.Mid-day Kate picked up laundry and took it home to wash. A much appreciated job.Denise was the on call coordinator Tuesday evening and greeted Evening hosts Joe (who is an IHN board member) and Lois Neighbors who were there to welcome the guests.Dinner was reported to be fabulous. Tacos, with all the trimmings, chips and salsa and brownies. Denise said it was so good she joined them for dinner--one of the perks of being a coordinator. Thanks so much Judy and Julie!
David and Bruce were there to spend the night and reported a "very good and rewarding experience". We so appreciate all our volunteers, and are thankful for the opportunity to get to know and learn from our guests.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
IHN, Monday August 12, 2013
Sunday overnight hosts, Elaine and Laura, got everyone up for an early start with one's work beginning at 7 and Johnathan to school no later than 7:25. Erik gave Steve a personal "van lesson" and he was off with six passengers to take various and sundry places.
During Sunday night Elizabeth was not feeling well, but Monday she was better and went to work at her regular time in the afternoon afternoon.
Afternoon van driver Bill made a special drop off at 5:30 and picked her up at 6:00. One dad was late from his out of town job to get his son from day care. Susan was both the on-site coordinator and one of the evening hosts, taking Steve's place so he could go to the Braves/Phillies game...and he wasn't rooting for the Braves. You're in Georgia Steve--go Braves. Terry N. joined Susan as the Evening Host and they had a busy night and did a great job
This was a night of substitutes, Terry M filled in for Leita (& of course no one can out-cook Leita). Terry was amazing, he told us that not only did he make the pizza, but flipped the dough in the air and spun it around. He conceded that the chickens laid the eggs, which were deviled. There was dessert and all enjoyed the meal with appreciation.
Denise made a late van pickup at 7:45. IHN volunteers are nothing if not flexible.
One of our overnight hosts was very sick Monday so Wanda got in touch with a friend and Barb joined her for the night--thanks to both of you. They got the guests up early and ready to leave right on time.
During Sunday night Elizabeth was not feeling well, but Monday she was better and went to work at her regular time in the afternoon afternoon.
Afternoon van driver Bill made a special drop off at 5:30 and picked her up at 6:00. One dad was late from his out of town job to get his son from day care. Susan was both the on-site coordinator and one of the evening hosts, taking Steve's place so he could go to the Braves/Phillies game...and he wasn't rooting for the Braves. You're in Georgia Steve--go Braves. Terry N. joined Susan as the Evening Host and they had a busy night and did a great job
This was a night of substitutes, Terry M filled in for Leita (& of course no one can out-cook Leita). Terry was amazing, he told us that not only did he make the pizza, but flipped the dough in the air and spun it around. He conceded that the chickens laid the eggs, which were deviled. There was dessert and all enjoyed the meal with appreciation.
Denise made a late van pickup at 7:45. IHN volunteers are nothing if not flexible.
One of our overnight hosts was very sick Monday so Wanda got in touch with a friend and Barb joined her for the night--thanks to both of you. They got the guests up early and ready to leave right on time.
IHN, Sunday, August 11, 2013
Our IHN host week got off to a good start, thanks to an excellent set up crew: Gail, Ally, Carl, Roger, Denise & Kitty. Gail and Ally had the floors swept and mopped in most of the rooms by the time the truck arrived. The truck was unloaded in 8 minutes--what a team! Before long 10 beds had been rolled into the rooms, and made up. Tables and chairs were put into each room, along with lamps and clocks. Roger put privacy shades on the windows, and he and Carl moved the sofa from the Pit upstairs in front of the TV. Names were put in the windows of each room, so our guests would know where to go and know we have been thinking of them and welcome them into their home for the week.
Meanwhile Marie and Tim took all 15 of the blue IHN bedspreads to the laundromat. The rest of the bedding, pillows and towels belong to First Pres and were brought from the boxes they are stored in between host weeks, fresh and ready to be used. 12 sets of sheets were put into the volunteer rooms, so the on-call coordinator can make up their beds each day. A laundry "basket" was put on top of the washing machine.
The refrigerator was rearranged, a few "science project looking" items were pitched and the staples for IHN guests were put into the refrigerator and on the cart. Items for a grab and go breakfast, or for snacks will be available all week.
Before long the set up crew had finished--great job! Soon Smith came to be an evening host and minutes later Dianne arrived--in spite of having an appendectomy on Wednesday night --what a trooper! Marie and Tim returned the bedspreads smelling fresh, and beautifully folded and ready for the beds. Denise and Kitty inventoried the IHN items for the log book.
The guests arrived from Young Harris. Three families, 2 single moms and 1 single dad, 1 big sister and 4 precious little children ages 1, 3, 4 and 5. It's going to be a lively week! They had fun with the wonderful toys in the Children's Ministry Suite. Misse watched the little ones (along with new members' children) in the nursery while Denise and Kitty (the IHN Team on-call coordinators for Sunday) gave the adult guests a tour of the facilities and discussed the Guest Guidelines.
Soon Carol and Lisa arrived with a delicious dinner: fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls and ice cream sandwiches. YUMMY! We have the reputation of great food for our guests. One mom who was with us in June told the others "you're going to love the food here, they bring the best things!"
The night was quiet, an early start for school and work on Monday morning. Elaine and Laura extended their usual time at FPC by spending the night.
Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers. Our hope is your lives will be enriched by this experience. Our prayer is that our guests will feel comfortable, welcome and safe in our church. We are blessed to have them with us and pray for peace for one and all.
God bless you every one.
Meanwhile Marie and Tim took all 15 of the blue IHN bedspreads to the laundromat. The rest of the bedding, pillows and towels belong to First Pres and were brought from the boxes they are stored in between host weeks, fresh and ready to be used. 12 sets of sheets were put into the volunteer rooms, so the on-call coordinator can make up their beds each day. A laundry "basket" was put on top of the washing machine.
The refrigerator was rearranged, a few "science project looking" items were pitched and the staples for IHN guests were put into the refrigerator and on the cart. Items for a grab and go breakfast, or for snacks will be available all week.
Before long the set up crew had finished--great job! Soon Smith came to be an evening host and minutes later Dianne arrived--in spite of having an appendectomy on Wednesday night --what a trooper! Marie and Tim returned the bedspreads smelling fresh, and beautifully folded and ready for the beds. Denise and Kitty inventoried the IHN items for the log book.
The guests arrived from Young Harris. Three families, 2 single moms and 1 single dad, 1 big sister and 4 precious little children ages 1, 3, 4 and 5. It's going to be a lively week! They had fun with the wonderful toys in the Children's Ministry Suite. Misse watched the little ones (along with new members' children) in the nursery while Denise and Kitty (the IHN Team on-call coordinators for Sunday) gave the adult guests a tour of the facilities and discussed the Guest Guidelines.
Soon Carol and Lisa arrived with a delicious dinner: fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls and ice cream sandwiches. YUMMY! We have the reputation of great food for our guests. One mom who was with us in June told the others "you're going to love the food here, they bring the best things!"
The night was quiet, an early start for school and work on Monday morning. Elaine and Laura extended their usual time at FPC by spending the night.
Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers. Our hope is your lives will be enriched by this experience. Our prayer is that our guests will feel comfortable, welcome and safe in our church. We are blessed to have them with us and pray for peace for one and all.
God bless you every one.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Senior Adult Ministry: Senior Spotlight
Interview by Sam Thompson
Dorothy Brandenburg Handley was born in Athens on Nov. 27, 1931. Dot and her family lived at 420 Boulevard not far from First Presbyterian Church. Dot lived through the 1930s Depression and WorldWar II. She remembers being at school in 1938 when her teacher brought a radio to hear the reports of Hitler invading Poland. It was during the war that the street car tracks on Boulevard were pulled up and the metal used to support our war efforts. Dot also remembers the Scutter house that use to occupy the corner of Hancock and Lumpkin St. before the downtown post office was built next door to our church.
Dot and Norman Handley eloped and were married in Calhoun Falls, SC. Norman served in the 82nd Airborne and after the war he worked in real estate. Dot began working for Southern Bell – we now know it as AT&T. She “loves figures” and found herself assigned to support positions in engineering, accounting and
many other departments. She was called the “cat lady” because her cat Midnight had quite a few litters of kittens. Dot’s current four legged companion is Priscilla. Dot tells us many of her phone calls begin with, “How is Priscilla?” Ask Dot about when and how Priscilla joined her household and the connection to the Apostle Paul – it’s quite a story!
Dot loves First Presbyterian Church where she has been a member for 52 years. She considers it her home. She has worked with the youth, youth choir and delivered Meals on Wheels. She has also been a caregiver for her mother, daddy, husband, aunt and brother and continues caring for her sister, who is a First Presbyterian member. You may see Dot on Sunday morning as she faithfully serves our church by collecting the attendance and collection from Sunday School classes. On Monday morning she returns to the church where she puts those years of accounting to work assisting Laura McHugh, our staff accountant. Thank you, Dot!
remembers that her daddy had “the patience of Job” and that he saw to it that
their family observed Sunday as a day of rest.
Faith has always been a part of her life and her favorite hymns are:
What a Friend We Have in Jesus, and Joy to the World. Her favorite scripture is John 3:16 and the
life lesson she mentioned was: Love is
the greatest & Faith comes from love.
Dot has always believed: “God was with me.”
Dot is an amazing member of our First Presbyterian Church family, thank you Dot for all the ways you have served and continue to serve.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
IHN, Sunday June 9, 2013
Sheila and Drew were up early getting things ready for the IHN truck. For Sheila this is something she could do in her sleep, after two years of being the coordinator with Bob. Seleethia had all of her things packed and her bed stripped by the time the take down crew arrived. And she insisted on helping with everything.
Consequently the morning went quickly and smoothly. Wes took the sofa back to the pit, Kitty L, Carmen, Kitty D, Alicia, John, Katherine Sarah, Mac & Steven got everything moved near the door and we had time for coffee and a visit before the truck arrived. The children were great at getting the Sunday School rooms back as they should be--thank goodness for young minds and willing hands! The truck was loaded quickly and efficiently.
Kitty took Saleethia to the Day Center and heard about the Chili Cook off from Ebonie who said there were lots of people there and it was a fun evening.
Diane picked up a large bag of laundry after church today to take home to wash and dry.
The Day Center hosts Maggie and Virginia didn't have to be there until 3 pm, because Saleethia worked until 2:30 today, then picked up Isaiah. At 5:00 our week ends and the family will walk over to First Baptist where they will be in good, loving hands there for this week.
This family has been a joy--the precious little boy, who celebrates his first birthday before too long, and his wonderful Mom who works so hard and is such a lovely person in every respect. We were blessed to have time with them this week. Seleethia asked me to tell everyone how much she appreciated all you did "such good food, and the people were wonderful to me and to Isaiah, they were all so thoughtful and courteous and kind. Please thank them." Thanks to everyone--all 73 people who helped this week (some people did more than one job or the same job more than once) You made it all go so smoothly. Continue to keep Saleethia and Isaiah in your prayers.
Our next host week is August 11 -18, only eight weeks from today. Hope to see you then.
Consequently the morning went quickly and smoothly. Wes took the sofa back to the pit, Kitty L, Carmen, Kitty D, Alicia, John, Katherine Sarah, Mac & Steven got everything moved near the door and we had time for coffee and a visit before the truck arrived. The children were great at getting the Sunday School rooms back as they should be--thank goodness for young minds and willing hands! The truck was loaded quickly and efficiently.
Kitty took Saleethia to the Day Center and heard about the Chili Cook off from Ebonie who said there were lots of people there and it was a fun evening.
Diane picked up a large bag of laundry after church today to take home to wash and dry.
The Day Center hosts Maggie and Virginia didn't have to be there until 3 pm, because Saleethia worked until 2:30 today, then picked up Isaiah. At 5:00 our week ends and the family will walk over to First Baptist where they will be in good, loving hands there for this week.
This family has been a joy--the precious little boy, who celebrates his first birthday before too long, and his wonderful Mom who works so hard and is such a lovely person in every respect. We were blessed to have time with them this week. Seleethia asked me to tell everyone how much she appreciated all you did "such good food, and the people were wonderful to me and to Isaiah, they were all so thoughtful and courteous and kind. Please thank them." Thanks to everyone--all 73 people who helped this week (some people did more than one job or the same job more than once) You made it all go so smoothly. Continue to keep Saleethia and Isaiah in your prayers.
Our next host week is August 11 -18, only eight weeks from today. Hope to see you then.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
IHN Saturday June 8, 2013
Saturday is always a good day during the First Pres host week. Darryl did his usual wonderful job of preparing breakfast. His pancakes were a hit with everyone! Tara and Brian, Hannon and Ryan were the overnight hosts on Friday night. Erik drove the van this morning, with the help of Ben & Kate and they wisely arrived in time to join in for breakfast. They took Seleethia (whose name I have misspelled all week--boo) and Isaiah to the day center.
Kitty was the afternoon driver, with the convertible this time! John and Carol were evening hosts. And Carol did double duty by bringing the meal too. Her mediterranian tuna casserole looked delicious, along with cantaloupe and melon and a fabulous looking pie. Another great meal. Isaiah spent tonight with his grandmother, since his Mom worked today and will work again tomorrow. We missed his big smile and sweet ways!
Sheila and Drew are the overnight hosts tonight. We especially appreciate our week-end volunteers.
Hope the Chili Cookoff was fun and successful for IHNA! I am sure that Roger and Chuck represented First Pres well with their special chili. Thanks again to all who have made this week go so smoothly.
Kitty was the afternoon driver, with the convertible this time! John and Carol were evening hosts. And Carol did double duty by bringing the meal too. Her mediterranian tuna casserole looked delicious, along with cantaloupe and melon and a fabulous looking pie. Another great meal. Isaiah spent tonight with his grandmother, since his Mom worked today and will work again tomorrow. We missed his big smile and sweet ways!
Sheila and Drew are the overnight hosts tonight. We especially appreciate our week-end volunteers.
Hope the Chili Cookoff was fun and successful for IHNA! I am sure that Roger and Chuck represented First Pres well with their special chili. Thanks again to all who have made this week go so smoothly.
Friday, June 7, 2013
IHN Friday June 7, 2013
Ed and Kitty K got things going this morning. Chuck was the morning driver and took Isaiah to Bright Beginnings and Saleetha to the Day Center before she went to work.
Kitty D was the on duty coordinator this evening, and moved two more beds into the host room. Tonight's overnight hosts will number four, and the room easily accomodates all. Erika helped make up beds with fresh sheets and brand new pillows.
Kitty drove the van this afternoon. The evening hosts Paige, Robert, Georgia B and Robert were there when we got to the church. Erika was also there with lasagna that smelled delicious. She and Gail also provided toasted bread, a green salad and brownies...a superb meal, what a treat for guests and hosts alike. Flowers graced the serving table--provided by Jeannie the other night from her back yard and still beautiful tonight. A nice touch!
Brian, Tara, Hannon and Ryan will be the overnight hosts tonight.
I suspect Isaiah will sleep well. When I left he was on the floor having a wonderful time with toys, and being entertained by Georgia B and Robert. He is feeling very good once again, and his wonderful smile is in place on his sweet face!
Thanks to all those who helped today--making Friday a good day for our guests. You are greatly appreciated!
Kitty D was the on duty coordinator this evening, and moved two more beds into the host room. Tonight's overnight hosts will number four, and the room easily accomodates all. Erika helped make up beds with fresh sheets and brand new pillows.
Kitty drove the van this afternoon. The evening hosts Paige, Robert, Georgia B and Robert were there when we got to the church. Erika was also there with lasagna that smelled delicious. She and Gail also provided toasted bread, a green salad and brownies...a superb meal, what a treat for guests and hosts alike. Flowers graced the serving table--provided by Jeannie the other night from her back yard and still beautiful tonight. A nice touch!
Brian, Tara, Hannon and Ryan will be the overnight hosts tonight.
I suspect Isaiah will sleep well. When I left he was on the floor having a wonderful time with toys, and being entertained by Georgia B and Robert. He is feeling very good once again, and his wonderful smile is in place on his sweet face!
Thanks to all those who helped today--making Friday a good day for our guests. You are greatly appreciated!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
IHN Thursday June 6, 2013
John and Sara got the day started this morning. Unfortunately Isaiah had a fever, so he went with his wonderful Mother to the Day Center instead of to Bright Beginnings. Patty drove again today.
Terry opened up this afternoon and he (with the help of Jessica) made the beds and welcomed evening hosts Tanna and Ann. Ben returned the family home to First Pres. Welcome Ben to the IHN team, we are so happy to have you!
Rhea, Mike and Jessica brought dinner, and what a dinner it was! Roast Chicken, Broccoli and Carrots, Mac and Cheese, Marinated Tomatoes and Cucumbers. For dessert there was Tortoni for the adults and vanilla ice cream for Isaiah--who is feeling better this evening, thank goodness.
Overnight hosts are Ed and Kitty K. Thanks to one and all for what you did today! Your help makes a big difference. Blessings!
Tomorrow evening is the IHN Fund Raiser at Terrapin, Chuck and Roger will have delicious chili and
they will always be winners with us. Hope we have lots of people there--it's a good cause as we well know, and it should be fun. There will be an artist working, music, good casual food and of course chili!
Terry opened up this afternoon and he (with the help of Jessica) made the beds and welcomed evening hosts Tanna and Ann. Ben returned the family home to First Pres. Welcome Ben to the IHN team, we are so happy to have you!
Rhea, Mike and Jessica brought dinner, and what a dinner it was! Roast Chicken, Broccoli and Carrots, Mac and Cheese, Marinated Tomatoes and Cucumbers. For dessert there was Tortoni for the adults and vanilla ice cream for Isaiah--who is feeling better this evening, thank goodness.
Overnight hosts are Ed and Kitty K. Thanks to one and all for what you did today! Your help makes a big difference. Blessings!
Tomorrow evening is the IHN Fund Raiser at Terrapin, Chuck and Roger will have delicious chili and
they will always be winners with us. Hope we have lots of people there--it's a good cause as we well know, and it should be fun. There will be an artist working, music, good casual food and of course chili!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
IHN Wednesday June 5, 2013
Lynn and Happy got Wednesday off to a good start. And Patty was the driver--for the first time. Her husband Steve drove on Monday and Tuesday yet I gave credit to Patty! Sorry about that Steve--we appreciate what you did very much. And thanks to you today Patty.
Bill Flatt brought the family back home--in the VAN! The snazzy convertible was in use elsewhere evidently. Sorry about that Bill, am sure the convertible is more fun! We appreciate your afternoon driving duties.
Denise was there to welcome everyone and get the host room ready. Brett and Meghan picked up laundry today. It is nice to have plenty of linens, so there isn't a rush to do laundry and get it right back.
Bob and Nancy brought dinner which got rave reviews, Pork fried rice, fruit salad and green salad, plus pecan crisps! Thanks so much for making such a delicious meal.
Sarah and Joe were evening hosts. Isaiah must have had a busy day, he was sound asleep very early! How nice that he is comfortable and sleeping well in his crib.
John and Sara are spending the night and were there for the healing service and choir practice so stopped in early! John enjoyed some of the yummy dinner.
It is wonderful to have such a lovely family with us--and volunteers that are extra special. Hugs all around.
Bill Flatt brought the family back home--in the VAN! The snazzy convertible was in use elsewhere evidently. Sorry about that Bill, am sure the convertible is more fun! We appreciate your afternoon driving duties.
Denise was there to welcome everyone and get the host room ready. Brett and Meghan picked up laundry today. It is nice to have plenty of linens, so there isn't a rush to do laundry and get it right back.
Bob and Nancy brought dinner which got rave reviews, Pork fried rice, fruit salad and green salad, plus pecan crisps! Thanks so much for making such a delicious meal.
Sarah and Joe were evening hosts. Isaiah must have had a busy day, he was sound asleep very early! How nice that he is comfortable and sleeping well in his crib.
John and Sara are spending the night and were there for the healing service and choir practice so stopped in early! John enjoyed some of the yummy dinner.
It is wonderful to have such a lovely family with us--and volunteers that are extra special. Hugs all around.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
IHN Tuesday June 4, 2013
Another quiet night on Monday. Bob and Mary got Tuesday morning started and Patty again drove the convertible to drop off at Bright Beginnings and the Day Center. Bill was a return driver this afternoon and got our guests back to their evening home.
Erik was the on duty coordinator and there to welcome Jeannie and Roger who brought a sumptuous meal of roast pork, squash casserole, mashed potatoes, salad and an apple pie--sounded delicious!
Pattie and Carol are the evening hosts and Lynn and Happy will spend the night. Thanks to all of you for making a welcome and comfortable home for our guest family. Sleep well one and all.
Erik was the on duty coordinator and there to welcome Jeannie and Roger who brought a sumptuous meal of roast pork, squash casserole, mashed potatoes, salad and an apple pie--sounded delicious!
Pattie and Carol are the evening hosts and Lynn and Happy will spend the night. Thanks to all of you for making a welcome and comfortable home for our guest family. Sleep well one and all.
Monday, June 3, 2013
IHN Monday June 3, 2013
After a quiet night Julie and Hugh got the morning started. Patty arrived to drive--not the Van but a spiffy Buick dark blue convertible with a black roof that was donated to IHN, and is perfect for only one family. She dropped Isaiah at day care and his Mom at the Day Center and all is well.
Susan was the On Duty Coordinator to welcome Steve and Margaret. Bill brought the guest to their home for the evening and Leita and Bruce provided a delicious dinner of Terayaki Pork Roast, Sweet Potato Casserole, Lima Beans, Fruit and Rolls. All that was topped off with Chocolate Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream -- wow. No one goes hungry at First Presbyterian!
Mary and Bob will spend the night in the nice new beds. Sweet dreams! God bless everyone who made everything go so well on this Monday.
Susan was the On Duty Coordinator to welcome Steve and Margaret. Bill brought the guest to their home for the evening and Leita and Bruce provided a delicious dinner of Terayaki Pork Roast, Sweet Potato Casserole, Lima Beans, Fruit and Rolls. All that was topped off with Chocolate Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream -- wow. No one goes hungry at First Presbyterian!
Mary and Bob will spend the night in the nice new beds. Sweet dreams! God bless everyone who made everything go so well on this Monday.
IHN Sunday June 2, 2013
A great crew set up in record time! Thanks Roger, Wes, Joseph, Carla, Carl, Gail and Denise. It is nice to have brand new pillows, and nice sheets, towels & blankets that will stay at First Pres. Also plenty of lamps now and bedside tables. THANKS to all who donated.
Denise washed the blue bedspreads, put a clean sheet on the crib and we are ready to begin our host week.
We only have one family--but it's a special one. A warm and wonderful mom and a precious 11 month old baby boy arrived and were welcomed by Carol and Jessica.
Lisa, Sue and Sally brought a delicious dinner of fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, apple sauce and oatmeal cookies. Isaiah, at 11 months, enjoyed it every bit as much as the adults. His dimples and big smile and friendly manner won everyone's heart.
Fortunately for most everyone, we were inside when it rained cats and dogs! Denise however was caught in it on a grocery run for breakfast food, sweet as she is she did not melt.
Julie and Hugh spent the night and reported all was quiet--just the way we like it.
Thanks to everyone for a good first evening.
Denise washed the blue bedspreads, put a clean sheet on the crib and we are ready to begin our host week.
We only have one family--but it's a special one. A warm and wonderful mom and a precious 11 month old baby boy arrived and were welcomed by Carol and Jessica.
Lisa, Sue and Sally brought a delicious dinner of fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, apple sauce and oatmeal cookies. Isaiah, at 11 months, enjoyed it every bit as much as the adults. His dimples and big smile and friendly manner won everyone's heart.
Fortunately for most everyone, we were inside when it rained cats and dogs! Denise however was caught in it on a grocery run for breakfast food, sweet as she is she did not melt.
Julie and Hugh spent the night and reported all was quiet--just the way we like it.
Thanks to everyone for a good first evening.
Monday, March 25, 2013
IHN Saturday March 23, and Sunday March 24, 2013
Saturday morning means sleeping a bit longer! Ed and Kitty K were wondering when the "breakfast man" was going to arrive to prepare what they'd heard would be a fabulous feast. All were eager to eat. Daryl was wondering where the guests were! He was up in the "big kitchen" and the guests and overnight hosts were patiently waiting (pacing) on the first floor where the "small kitchen" is located! Uh-oh the new coordinating team erred in not finding out where breakfast was served. But once breakfast began all who'd been waiting were thrilled. Daryl always does a fabulous job and this was no exception. He had grits, sausage and made special order eggs for each person. Wonderful way to begin the day. Thanks Daryl for feeding us well--and next time we will know where to find you!
Bill drove the van again and everyone went to the Day Center. Erik picked everyone up again and was there to welcome the evening hosts Susan and son Will. Bob and Nancy provided food again and
it was another delicious meal. Chicken casserole, special rice, and a wonderful pear crisp!
Michael enjoyed competing with Will in a game in the Pit. Will reported that he lost but enjoyed it a lot. Baby Brandon was, as always, a special attraction. Susan and Will left a lovely note for the guests to be given the next morning--saying how much they enjoyed being with them. What a thoughtful gesture which was very much appreciated.
The overnight hosts were Madeline and the Mayor! They both reported sleeping well. That can be vouched for by the set-up crew who arrived at 7:00 am Sunday and found everything dark. Good sleeping is good for everyone! Erik drove the van again and delivered Kewanna and Brandon to the Day Center. Ken, Kristine and Michael went in their own car. Austin and Amanda are no longer with us.
The take-down crew was terrific and when the truck arrived everything was waiting and loaded in no time! Alicia, John, Katherine, Sarah, Mac, Steven, Madeline, Erik, Carmen, Kitty and Denise got the Sunday School rooms ready for Misse's inspection and she pronounced them "just right". Yippee. Katherine, Sarah, Mac & Steven were like "energizer bunnies" & were a HUGE help! Carmen remembered what had come on the IHN truck and what belonged to FPC. It took everyone to make the take-down go smoothly!
We inventoried the "linen shelves" and put like items together--as we began to think of our June 2-9 host week.
At 1:00 pm Maggie and Kitty went to the Day Center for the afternoon. It was very quiet and we brainstormed about some things that would be useful to have for future host weeks in each room, such as bedside tables and quilt racks to hang wet towels.
About 4:40 Sherri came from First Baptist to gather the guests to move across the street. Our week is over, and the new Coordinating Team learned a lot. We enjoyed being with our guests and of course could not have done it without the volunteers. We also appreciate the help of Iris, service coordinator at IHN. Thanks and blessings to one and all.
SAVE THE DATE--Next host week is June 2 - 9, 2013!
Bill drove the van again and everyone went to the Day Center. Erik picked everyone up again and was there to welcome the evening hosts Susan and son Will. Bob and Nancy provided food again and
it was another delicious meal. Chicken casserole, special rice, and a wonderful pear crisp!
Michael enjoyed competing with Will in a game in the Pit. Will reported that he lost but enjoyed it a lot. Baby Brandon was, as always, a special attraction. Susan and Will left a lovely note for the guests to be given the next morning--saying how much they enjoyed being with them. What a thoughtful gesture which was very much appreciated.
The overnight hosts were Madeline and the Mayor! They both reported sleeping well. That can be vouched for by the set-up crew who arrived at 7:00 am Sunday and found everything dark. Good sleeping is good for everyone! Erik drove the van again and delivered Kewanna and Brandon to the Day Center. Ken, Kristine and Michael went in their own car. Austin and Amanda are no longer with us.
The take-down crew was terrific and when the truck arrived everything was waiting and loaded in no time! Alicia, John, Katherine, Sarah, Mac, Steven, Madeline, Erik, Carmen, Kitty and Denise got the Sunday School rooms ready for Misse's inspection and she pronounced them "just right". Yippee. Katherine, Sarah, Mac & Steven were like "energizer bunnies" & were a HUGE help! Carmen remembered what had come on the IHN truck and what belonged to FPC. It took everyone to make the take-down go smoothly!
We inventoried the "linen shelves" and put like items together--as we began to think of our June 2-9 host week.
At 1:00 pm Maggie and Kitty went to the Day Center for the afternoon. It was very quiet and we brainstormed about some things that would be useful to have for future host weeks in each room, such as bedside tables and quilt racks to hang wet towels.
About 4:40 Sherri came from First Baptist to gather the guests to move across the street. Our week is over, and the new Coordinating Team learned a lot. We enjoyed being with our guests and of course could not have done it without the volunteers. We also appreciate the help of Iris, service coordinator at IHN. Thanks and blessings to one and all.
SAVE THE DATE--Next host week is June 2 - 9, 2013!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
IHN Friday March 22, 2013
Arlene and Steve got everyone going and Madeline checked car seats in the van, made sure all were buckled up and Friday was off to a good on-time start.
Erik drove the van for the afternoon and opened the church for the Simmons to host the evening. Rhea and Jess brought a delicious pork roast, with all the trimmings including yummy sweet potatoes. Our members know how to cook!
Ken, Kristine & Michael had dinner with family. Unfortunately Ken was sick...hope he's much better today. They were back at the church for a quiet evening. Ed and Kitty reported they slept really well. Tonight everyone gets to sleep a little longer since tomorrow is Saturday.
Erik drove the van for the afternoon and opened the church for the Simmons to host the evening. Rhea and Jess brought a delicious pork roast, with all the trimmings including yummy sweet potatoes. Our members know how to cook!
Ken, Kristine & Michael had dinner with family. Unfortunately Ken was sick...hope he's much better today. They were back at the church for a quiet evening. Ed and Kitty reported they slept really well. Tonight everyone gets to sleep a little longer since tomorrow is Saturday.
Friday, March 22, 2013
IHN Thursday, March 21, 2013
Bill had quite a surprise Thursday morning when he arrived to drive the van, and it was missing! He found it right across the street, the only place to park on Wed evening. He then found that though the key would go in, it wouldn't start the van--nor could he get the key out. Not a great way to start the key. But it's hard to get the best of Bill. He & Erik got it started and Bill never lost his smile I am sure.
Kitty opened up in the afternoon. We had guests from Congregation Children of Israel who are considering joining the Interfaith Hospitality Network. They were at First Pres. to see how a host evening comes together, and to talk with guests and volunteers. We wanted them to feel right at home, so Kitty put the ones who arrived a bit early to work, helping re-set the volunteer overnight room and setting the tables; one was more than happy to cuddle a baby so the Amanda and Austin could enjoy dinner.
Tom delivered the guests for the second night in a room...we appreciate volunteers who do double duty! There were several of those tonight. Jess arrived to be an evening host, and she will bring part of the dinner Friday night. Nancy brought a salad for dinner and she and Bob will prepare the meal on Sunday night.
Brita and Carol were the other evening hosts--and there was plenty for three to do. We had 17 for dinner of pot roast and vegetables, the salad, Terry's bread and Fran's yummy lemon squares and brownies with marshmallows. Rabbi Linder blessed the food and all enjoyed the meal. There were lots of dishes to clean (thankful for the dishwasher), and when Judy arrived on Friday morning she said the kitchen was sparkling! Carol was late eating because she wasn't ready to part with Brandon, and Kewanna ate her meal while Carol was happily cooing at the baby.
Austin's ear ache is a little better, he is taking meds. The Michael & Kristine enjoyed playing games in the Pit. Arlene and Steve spent the night and watched over things so the guests could have a good night's sleep (as did Arlene & Steve).
A good day with considerate guests, wonderful volunteers, great new friends from CCI and IHN staff Ken and Iris and Board Member Roger joining us for dinner. Everyone has been enjoying the flower arrangements made by Judy and Carol, a very special touch. Many are our blessings.
Kitty opened up in the afternoon. We had guests from Congregation Children of Israel who are considering joining the Interfaith Hospitality Network. They were at First Pres. to see how a host evening comes together, and to talk with guests and volunteers. We wanted them to feel right at home, so Kitty put the ones who arrived a bit early to work, helping re-set the volunteer overnight room and setting the tables; one was more than happy to cuddle a baby so the Amanda and Austin could enjoy dinner.
Tom delivered the guests for the second night in a room...we appreciate volunteers who do double duty! There were several of those tonight. Jess arrived to be an evening host, and she will bring part of the dinner Friday night. Nancy brought a salad for dinner and she and Bob will prepare the meal on Sunday night.
Brita and Carol were the other evening hosts--and there was plenty for three to do. We had 17 for dinner of pot roast and vegetables, the salad, Terry's bread and Fran's yummy lemon squares and brownies with marshmallows. Rabbi Linder blessed the food and all enjoyed the meal. There were lots of dishes to clean (thankful for the dishwasher), and when Judy arrived on Friday morning she said the kitchen was sparkling! Carol was late eating because she wasn't ready to part with Brandon, and Kewanna ate her meal while Carol was happily cooing at the baby.
Austin's ear ache is a little better, he is taking meds. The Michael & Kristine enjoyed playing games in the Pit. Arlene and Steve spent the night and watched over things so the guests could have a good night's sleep (as did Arlene & Steve).
A good day with considerate guests, wonderful volunteers, great new friends from CCI and IHN staff Ken and Iris and Board Member Roger joining us for dinner. Everyone has been enjoying the flower arrangements made by Judy and Carol, a very special touch. Many are our blessings.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
IHN Wednesday March 20, 2013
Chuck arrived bright and early to drive the van. Austin was slow getting going this morning, but all were taken to where they needed to be. Austin didn't feel well and the IHN staff got him to the Nurses Clinic and then got meds for him. Hope he feels much better soon! Keep him in your prayers.
Michael is enrolled at Clarke middle and Kristine begins at Clarke Central on Friday. It is hard to be a teenager and change towns and schools--prayers for them too.
Susan opened up and got the volunteer room ready. Tom arrived with the guests and there was no room in the parking lot for the van, but he got a place just across the street. Wednesday evenings are busy at First Pres. Carla and Carl were the evening hosts and went with all the guests upstairs for the Wednesday night supper--always a good meal, then had a quiet evening.
Amanda and baby Zachery, Kristine & Michael enjoyed listening to the choir rehearse with the organ in the sanctuary--a bonus for Wednesday night!
After choir rehearsal finished, Sara and John came down to spend the night and reported that the "new mattresses are great"!
Thanks to Ethelyn there was food for breakfast and to make lunches. What wonderful volunteers we have! And three very nice families.
Michael is enrolled at Clarke middle and Kristine begins at Clarke Central on Friday. It is hard to be a teenager and change towns and schools--prayers for them too.
Susan opened up and got the volunteer room ready. Tom arrived with the guests and there was no room in the parking lot for the van, but he got a place just across the street. Wednesday evenings are busy at First Pres. Carla and Carl were the evening hosts and went with all the guests upstairs for the Wednesday night supper--always a good meal, then had a quiet evening.
Amanda and baby Zachery, Kristine & Michael enjoyed listening to the choir rehearse with the organ in the sanctuary--a bonus for Wednesday night!
After choir rehearsal finished, Sara and John came down to spend the night and reported that the "new mattresses are great"!
Thanks to Ethelyn there was food for breakfast and to make lunches. What wonderful volunteers we have! And three very nice families.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
IHN Tuesday March 19, 2013
Erik got Tuesday off to a good start by driving the van and getting all the guests to the right place, and himself to work.
Another good IHN evening at First Presbyterian. Terry was there to open up and welcome the volunteers. He also got the overnight host room ready by moving week day school things out, & IHN things back into the room & putting clean sheets on the beds. He says you can flip a coin on the sheets when he is finished--some sort of military thing, myself I'm just happy if the mattress is covered.
Rick brought two families & their adorable babies to the church in the van. Ken has a car and arrived with his children right on time. Diane brought a yummy meal with ham, scalloped potatoes, rolls--and carrot cake! The guests often say First Pres has the best food!
John and Margaret were the genial evening hosts and handed off to Lynn and Happy for the night.
Thanks to one and all who gave their time--and kept everything going "smooth as silk" as Terry reported.
Another good IHN evening at First Presbyterian. Terry was there to open up and welcome the volunteers. He also got the overnight host room ready by moving week day school things out, & IHN things back into the room & putting clean sheets on the beds. He says you can flip a coin on the sheets when he is finished--some sort of military thing, myself I'm just happy if the mattress is covered.
Rick brought two families & their adorable babies to the church in the van. Ken has a car and arrived with his children right on time. Diane brought a yummy meal with ham, scalloped potatoes, rolls--and carrot cake! The guests often say First Pres has the best food!
John and Margaret were the genial evening hosts and handed off to Lynn and Happy for the night.
Thanks to one and all who gave their time--and kept everything going "smooth as silk" as Terry reported.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
IHN Monday March 18, 2013
Monday was another good IHN evening at First Pres. Denise was there to open up. Leita (who thankfully is well!) brought a delicious dinner of ham, corn pudding, black eyed peas, fruit, pound cake with ice cream, which was enjoyed by all.
Tanna and Steve were the evening hosts and managed to find soap for the shower, which Kitty forgot to have on hand :( and take care of everything.
Our third family arrived & we are happy to have them with us.
All were in bed early. Mary and Bob spent the night and this morning moved the host room beds and medicine cabinet out and the Weekday school table back into that room. We are getting good use of our lovely facility!
Ethelyn, our faithful food coordinator has spoken with the three families about their food preferences. She has brought a bountiful supply of breakfast food, milk, juice & snacks for lunch sacks and will check on supplies during the week. Thanks Ethelyn for taking care of this big job so graciously and well!
We are blessed with wonderful volunteers and very nice guests. God is good.
Tanna and Steve were the evening hosts and managed to find soap for the shower, which Kitty forgot to have on hand :( and take care of everything.
Our third family arrived & we are happy to have them with us.
All were in bed early. Mary and Bob spent the night and this morning moved the host room beds and medicine cabinet out and the Weekday school table back into that room. We are getting good use of our lovely facility!
Ethelyn, our faithful food coordinator has spoken with the three families about their food preferences. She has brought a bountiful supply of breakfast food, milk, juice & snacks for lunch sacks and will check on supplies during the week. Thanks Ethelyn for taking care of this big job so graciously and well!
We are blessed with wonderful volunteers and very nice guests. God is good.
Monday, March 18, 2013
IHN Sunday March 17, 2013 Set Up
An eager crew was in the IHN host area (aka Children's Ministry Suite) with not a clue what to do--until Roger arrived! When the truck arrived with beds and things Gail, Carmen, Jim, Denise, Kitty and experienced Roger got to work and before long every floor was swept, bed was made, tables set up, lamps plugged it, baby equipment put in place and all was well.
It went quickly because some wonderful person -- Misse more than likely--had stored the things from the computer and Sunday School rooms. It made our job easy. We hope our guests will be comfortable and feel truly at home this week!
During the mornings we share the volunteer room of this space with the Weekday School and appreciate their patience when they find things not exactly in the right place in the morning. We especially appreciate being able to make the rockers from the nursery available to the parents of the sweet babies who will be with us this week.
Our spend the night hosts move the beds out each morning (except Saturday) & the medicine cabinet is put facing the hall wall so little ones won't be curious and open. They put the little table back in the room all ready for the Weekday school to work their magic!
It went quickly because some wonderful person -- Misse more than likely--had stored the things from the computer and Sunday School rooms. It made our job easy. We hope our guests will be comfortable and feel truly at home this week!
During the mornings we share the volunteer room of this space with the Weekday School and appreciate their patience when they find things not exactly in the right place in the morning. We especially appreciate being able to make the rockers from the nursery available to the parents of the sweet babies who will be with us this week.
Our spend the night hosts move the beds out each morning (except Saturday) & the medicine cabinet is put facing the hall wall so little ones won't be curious and open. They put the little table back in the room all ready for the Weekday school to work their magic!
IHN Monday March 18, 2013
Julie drove the van this morning and got everyone to the correct place. She also donated a much needed lamp with shade for the volunteer host room. We had a lamp, and a shade--but they didn't work together! Thanks Julie.
I hope I've added the calendar to this blog--we'll see. Wish I had Rick's computer ability!
IHN Volunteer Calendar
I hope I've added the calendar to this blog--we'll see. Wish I had Rick's computer ability!
IHN Volunteer Calendar
IHN Sunday March 17 2013
Our first evening of our first host week in 2013--the first for the new coordinating team. We have big shoes to fill with Sheila & Bob's good work.
Two really nice families tonight. Two precious babies--9 week old Zackery and 4 month old Brandon.
Judy and Julie provided a wonderful meal, barbeque chicken and good sides with yummy frosted chocolate brownies.
Judy and Jim were the gracious evening hosts. It was a gorgeous day and evening.
Julie and Hugh spent the night. A good, quiet evening.
Two really nice families tonight. Two precious babies--9 week old Zackery and 4 month old Brandon.
Judy and Julie provided a wonderful meal, barbeque chicken and good sides with yummy frosted chocolate brownies.
Judy and Jim were the gracious evening hosts. It was a gorgeous day and evening.
Julie and Hugh spent the night. A good, quiet evening.
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