Sunday, December 19, 2010

Advent Devotion 21, Sunday, December 19

O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem (stanza 2)

O beautiful star, the hope of life
Guiding the pilgrims through the night
Over the mountains ‘til the break of dawn
Into the land of perfect day
It will give out a lovely ray
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine on!

This is an old Appalachian hymn that I had never heard until 2001 when The Century Men (a choir of 100 Baptist ministers) released their arrangement and the local stations devoted to playing Christmas music throughout Advent were flooded with requests. I was in the car and got tickled about how annoyed the announcer was with the number of requests for this. But when it started, I was so moved by the beauty and power of it that I almost had to stop the car. I later ordered the CD, and I play it repeatedly (throughout the year). I love the message of guidance and direction.

Sometimes, life is really, really hard. Getting lost in the pain and fear can happen without our realizing, because we are just trying to function and survive. But one day, something crosses our path to remind us that there is guidance and direction to help navigate through the pain and fear if we just focus on the right thing. For me, it was this hymn that startled me back to really focusing on what can guide me day to day so that I’m not lost or fearful. When I walk in the early morning before sunrise, I look to the stars and remember there is one beautiful and perfect Star sent to guide me through any crisis or trauma if I just stay focused on it – the Beautiful Star of Bethlehem that is Christ Jesus.

Loving God, who created everything including stars too infinite to count, we give thanks that you sent the one perfect Star to guide us to a closer relationship with you. Help us to stay focused on Your Son for guidance and direction each day. In Jesus Christ we ask this. Amen.

Jennifer Nickles

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